Sunday 21 April 2013

Can you Trust the Cloud

For some computer owners finding a place to store all the data that they have acquired becomes challenging. Some people invest in hard drives and others may go to desperate attempts of deleting important old files in order to make space for new ones. Many people have sought for alternative solutions and now rely on Cloud storage, so instead of saving information to a hard drive or local storage devices, all you have to do is save it to a remote database. This remote database called cloud storage is accessed through a computer which is connected to internet. With the right storage system you could even allow others to access your data, making a personal project into a collaborative effort.
Many times we can blame corporations for poor security systems, but many times the blame is on us. We are to blame because of poor safety habits that many times put us at risk. To avoid such situations on the Cloud, here are some ways to keep your information secure:
  • Don't reuse the same passwords/ use weak passwords. For example if someone hacked your 
    Facebook account they can easily get into your other personal information by using the same password to access other accounts that you hold.
  • Back up your data. Don't rely on one service. Store the important files that you access multiple times in Dropbox  and maybe in a hard drive.
  • Use LastPass to Manage your passwords. This is a utility that locks all your unique passwords under one master password. Which means that you can create different logins, but memorize a single password.  Most of the time your data in the cloud is safe, when it comes to security.
Unfortunately, sometimes Cloud storage crashes leaving many people in a chaotic mess, trying to run businesses. Many are forced to do everything manually from writing receipts to managing their stores . Many of them loose customers and consequently loose money. Recovering from a system crash is very hard and for some it can make them abandon the online storage system.

Monday 11 February 2013

About me

 Bienvenue, karibu, salve basically welcome to my blog  in every language!
My name is Jebet, I have lived in Kenya for all my life. By now you are probably wondering how old I am,well I am 15 years old. I have a sister and brother who are both older than I, so that make me the youngest in my family. I go to school in Rosslyn Academy and I am in 9th grade. By now i have probably told you so much about my background.
So I should probably tell you about what I love to do.  Well I really really like to watch movies/ series. For example these are my top shows and movies: The suits, Breakout Kings, Once Upon a Time, Nikita, White Collar, Covert Affairs, Skyfall, Pitch Perfect, Dark Night Rises, Step up Revolution, Dictator and Think Like a Man, well the list goes on and on for ages. I like animals but I really don't like cats and reptiles! I love my dog called snoopy, he is like the best present I have been given!!!!
Iwould love to travel the world which is like one of the top to do things in my life.
When i graduate my friends and i plan on going to Tahiti, Bora Bora. I also would like to travel all over Europe and to visit some parts of Asia. I love to shop and that is why i love........ malls.  My top things that I would buy are jewelry, clothes and shoes. I don't like reading however if I had to read i would read magazines like Teen Vogue, Seventeen, American cheerleader, and Newsweek.  I love playing sports like Football, Hockey, Basketball, and Tennis.
Now jumping to the future I would like to be a Lawyer, own a pro-white Bentley, and live in a really big house.In the future I have no plans of living in another continent only Africa because its my home! Many people have the wrong image of Africa , but the Africa I know is just like like looking at the sun rise and set! For more about me keep following my blog for more updates.